Midsommar på Idre Fjäll

Vi kan rekommendera att ni planerar för att fira midsommar på Idre Fjäll. Anläggningen har som vanligt en hel del aktiviteter under midsommar. Brukar vara trevligt på fäboden där man kommer att kunna dansa kring midsommarstången. Håll utkik på idrefjall.se

Dessutom kommer Idrefjällsommaren att öppnas upp redan på midsommarafton då två av tränings-områdena öppnas upp. Det handlar om Åskvitan samt Idre Fjäll (sprint). Kartorna kommer att vara till försäljning i Aktivitetscenter på Idre Fjäll fr o m midsommarafton den 21 juni 2024. Därefter kommer vi öppna upp område efter område under vecka 26. Se mer information i inbjudan.


Allt sedan 1974 har det arrangerats orienteringstävlingar på Idre Fjäll. Fram till 2018 var det Kart-Bosse som såg till att vi fick uppleva den fantastiska naturen och de utmanande skogarna. Nu skriver vi 2024 och det innebär att det har gått 50 år sedan startskottet för Idrefjällveckan i orientering. Detta tänker vi fira i sommar tillsammans med våra gäster, både gamla och nya.

På måndagen den 24 juni inbjuder vi till Jubileums-Rejset. En annorlunda tävling med en blinkning till Kart-Bosse och hans 40-årsjubileum. Då var det en bana med 40 kontroller med start och mål uppe på Gränjesvålen. Nu till sommaren blir det en bana med 50 kontroller. En härlig utmaning för de som vill utmana sig själva. Det kommer även finnas banor med 30, 20 respektive 10 kontroller.

Vi hoppas att hela Idrefjällveckan 2024 ska genomsyras av vårt firande tillsammans med alla våra gäster från när och fjärran. En annan aktivitet som är en del av firandet är att Per Forsberg bjuder in till ett Jubileums-QUIZ söndag kväll den 23 juni. Det får ni inte missa!

All tävlingsinformation (inbjudan) hittar ni på Eventor där även anmälan är öppen.

Welcome to The Idre Fjäll Week 2023

The Idre Fjäll Week 2023 begins on June 25th with the Swedish Championships (SM) Ultra-long Distance for Juniors, Elite and Masters. Foreign participants are warm welcome to run this competition but to become a Swedish champion you´ll have to run for a Swedish orienteering club and be a Swedish citizen. On the same day, Idrefjällens OK will organise a national competition in Long Distance for other participants.

From Tuesday to Thursday, June 27th -29th, the annual Idre Fjäll 3-day competition will be organised. The competitions will include two middle distances and a pursuit competition for the classes HD14-HD65 the last day, based upon the results of the first 2 days. There are of course Open classes each day for direct-entry on the day of the competition. You can also register before at Swedish entry system Eventor, see links below.

New for The Idre Fjäll Week 2023 is that we will also offer TrailO. On Sunday, June 25th there will be a long distance TrailO and on Monday, June 26th a TempO will be organised. There will also be an opportunity to try out TrailO on Monday afternoon.


Sunday June 25 – Swedish Championships (SM) Ultra-long, Swedish Masters Championships (VSM) Ultra-long as well as a national competition.
Wilderness mountain terrain with both open mountaintop, areas of mountain heath and forested terrain, and with varying richness of details. Varying hilliness from flat areas to very steep with very good runnability and visibility. Arena Nordliften will be the venue for SM, the national competition and for TrailO. For SM Ultra-long there will be a mass start for all classes (juniors, elite and masters). The national competition offers long-distance orienteering with individual start, including for TrailO and open classes.

Monday June 26 – TrailO & activity day at Idre Fjäll. TrailO has a TempO competition close to the ski stadium. In the afternoon there is an opportunity to try TrailO on Sunday’s TrailO courses. Also take advantage of Idre Fjäll’s summer activities or one of all our training courses, which will also be available throughout the summer.

Tuesday June 27 – IDREFJÄLLEN’s 3-days stage 1
3-days begins with a middle distance at Arena Nordliften. The competition area Gränjåsen – Brunnan offers a nice mix of detailed slopes, marshes and rolling terrain with both larger and smaller ridges and hills.

Wednesday June 28 – IDREFJÄLLEN’s 3-days stage 2
Stage 2 is also a middle distance at Arena Bergevägen and a new competition area – Hemmeråsen. The middle distance runs on the ridge’s detailed slope with prime open forest. From moderately hilly to very hilly.

Thursday June 29 – IDREFJÄLLEN’s 3-days stage 3
A final long distance with pursuit for competition classes HD14-HD65, also at Arena Bergevägen. Starting right at the treeline on Hemmeråsen, all classes get to experience the open mountain terrain. Right out of the start, the shorter courses are rewarded with beautiful and challenging downhill orienteering all the way to the finish line. The longer courses also get to experience completely new orienteering areas on Hemmeråsen’s open but detailed slopes.

Classes & Course Lengths

Men (M) and Woman (D) age 10 to 85 years and open classes. Courses and course length will be according to the Swedish Orienteering Federation (SOFT) recommendations for each distance. For Swedish Masters Championships Ultra long distance the winning time will be apporximately 175% of the long distance winning time. Course lengths will be published in the spring of 2023.


Event registration is done via the Swedish entry system Eventor, see links to each competition below. Regular entries shall be received prior to the end of the day Sunday June 11 (i.e. before 11:59 PM) Late entries will be accepted until the end of the day June 21 with a 50% surcharge on the regular entry fee. Note that advance entries for Open/Direct entry courses (via Eventor) will be charged a lower entry fee than entry on the day of competition.

Please note that there are 4 different competitions on Sunday June 25. Make sure that you entry the correct competition

Eventor Swedish Championships Ultra long distance 25 June
Eventor Swedish Masters Championships Ultra long distance 25 June
Eventor Public competition 25 June
Eventor Midsummer TrailO (Long) 25 June
Eventor  Midsommar TrailO (TempO) 26 June
Eventor Idrefjällens 3-days 27-29 June


The competition area is embargoed for training and competitions. See the definition of the exact embargoed areas for each competition on Eventor.

Electronic Punching System

EMIT will be used for all competitions during the week. Necessary punching equipment will be available for all participants at no additional charge, i.e. this is included in the entry fee. Both EMIT emiTag and EMIT EKT will be used and varies for the different competitions. Additional information will be provided later on. You can collect your EMIT tag at the Info-center close to the reception at Idre Fjäll on Saturday 14-19, Sunday 17-19 and Monday 17-19 or at the Arena each day.

Award ceremonies and After Run

The square at Idre Fjäll will be the gathering place after the competitions and we call it the ”O-square” with activities for everyone such as quizzes, “meet-a-champ” and the Livelox hour. This is also where the award ceremonies will be held after each competition day, both for the best performances of the day in the youth classes and lottery prizes among all competitors.


Idre Fjäll has many accommodation options for participants during The Idre Fjäll Week which can be booked directly at www.idrefjall.se

Competition office

The competition office is at the Inn at Idre Fjäll. All types of participant services are provided at the office which will be open parts of the day from Saturday June 24th to Thursday June 29th. Here you can sign up for Open classes, change classes, pay your starting fee, etc.

Competition administration

Event Directors: Malin Yngström & Tomas Yngström +46-70 381 00 07 info@idrefjallveckan.se
SM Event Managers: Per Forsberg +46-73 320 68 80, Björn Alpberg, +46 70 268 80 80
Competition administration: Peter Löfås tavling@idrefjallveckan.se
Competition controller: Sven Larsson Särna SK
Course setting: Mattias Karlsson, Tomas Hallmén
Course controller: Håkan Carlsson KFUM Örebro


Training courses will be available beginning Friday June 23 and for the remainder of the summer. Course maps will be available via a self-service station in the Activity Center at Idre Fjäll, payment via Swish or PayPal.

For training camps or groups, paying by invoice is okey but needs to be ordered approximately 3 weeks in advance.

Training maps available:
“Stugbyn” (Sprint) from June 23
”Nipfjället” (Long distance) from June 26
”Nipstugan-Bermuda” (Middle distance) from June 26
”Nordliften” (Long distance) from June 28
”Skidstadion” (Middle distance) from June 29
”Hemmeråsen” (Long distance)  from June 30